Kamis, 19 Maret 2009


Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), the heart, the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart) or tunica vaginalis.
Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or they have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways. Washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos can also put a person at risk for developing mesothelioma. Unlike lung cancer, there is no association between mesothelioma and smoking, but smoking greatly increases risk of other asbestos induced cancer. Compensation via asbestos funds or lawsuits is an important issue in mesothelioma


Life Insurance

Life insurance provides a monetary benefit to a decedent's family or other designated beneficiary, and may specifically provide for income to an insured person's family,burial, furneral and other final expenses. Life insurance policies often allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the beneficiary either in a lump sum cash payment or an annuity.

Annuties provide a stream of payments and are generally classified as insurance because they are issued by insurance companies and regulated as insurance and require the same kinds of actuarial and investment management expertise that life insurance requires. Annuities and pensions that pay a benefit for life are sometimes regarded as insurance against the possibility that a retiree will outlive his or her financial resources. In that sense, they are the complement of life insurance and, from an underwriting perspective, are the mirror image of life insurance.

Certain life insurance contracts accumulate cash values, which may be taken by the insured if the policy is surrendered or which may be borrowed against. Some policies, such as annuities andendowment policies, are financial instruments to accumulate or liquidate wealth when it is needed.

In many countries, such as the U.S. and the UK, the tax law provides that the interest on this cash value is not taxable under certain circumstances. This leads to widespread use of life insurance as a tax-efficient method of saving as well as protection in the event of early death.

In U.S., the tax on interest income on life insurance policies and annuities is generally deferred. However, in some cases the benefit derived from tax deferral may be offset by a low return. This depends upon the insuring company, the type of policy and other variables (mortality, market return, etc.). Moreover, other income tax saving vehicles (e.g., IRAs, 401(k) plans, Roth IRAs) may be better alternatives for value accumulation. A combination of low-cost term life insurance and a higher-return tax-efficient retirement account may achieve better investment return.


Home insurance

Home insurance provides compensation for damage or destruction of a home from disasters. In some geographical areas, the standard insurances excludes certain types of disasters, such as flood and earthquakes, that require additional coverage. Maintenance-related problems are the homeowners' responsibility. The policy may include inventory, or this can be bought as a separate policy, especially for people who rent housing. In some countries, insurers offer a package which may include liability and legal responsibility for injuries and property damage caused by members of the household, including pets.


Global insurance industry

Global insurance premiums grew by 11% in 2007 (or 3.3% in real terms) to reach $4.1 trillion. The macro-economic environment was characterised by slower economic growth in 2007 and rising inflation. Profitability improved in life insurance and fell slighlty in the non-life sector during the year. Life insurance premiums grew by 12.6%, accelerating in the advanced economies with the exception of Japan and Continental Europe. Non-life insurance premiums grew by 7.6% during the year. Figures for premium income are not yet available for 2008, but the insurance industry is likely to see a slowdown in new business and falling investment revenue.

Advanced economies account for the bulk of global insurance. With premium income of $1,681bn, Europe was the most important region, followed by North America ($1,330bn) and Asia ($814bn). The top four countries accounted for nearly 60% of premiums in 2007. The US and UK alone accounted for 42% of world insurance, much higher than their 7% share of the global population. Emerging markets accounted for over 85% of the world’s population but generated only around 10% of premiums.


Are you have companies?

Insurance companies may be classified into two groups:

  • Life insurance companies, which sell life insurance, annuities and pensions products.
  • Non-life, General, or Property/Casualty insurance companies, which sell other types of insurance.

General insurance companies can be further divided into these sub categories.

  • Standard Lines
  • Excess Lines

In most countries, life and non-life insurers are subject to different regulatory regimes and different tax and accounting rules. The main reason for the distinction between the two types of company is that life, annuity, and pension business is very long-term in nature — coverage for life assurance or a pension can cover risks over many decades. By contrast, non-life insurance cover usually covers a shorter period, such as one year.

In the United States, standard line insurance companies are "mainstream" insurers. These are the companies that typically insure autos, homes or businesses. They use pattern or "cookie-cutter" policies without variation from one person to the next. They usually have lower premiums than excess lines and can sell directly to individuals. They are regulated by state laws that can restrict the amount they can charge for insurance policies.

Excess line insurance companies (aka Excess and Surplus) typically insure risks not covered by the standard lines market. They are broadly referred as being all insurance placed with non-admitted insurers. Non-admitted insurers are not licensed in the states where the risks are located. These companies have more flexibility and can react faster than standard insurance companies because they are not required to file rates and forms as the "admitted" carriers do. However, they still have substantial regulatory requirements placed upon them. State laws generally require insurance placed with surplus line agents and brokers not to be available through standard licensed insurers.

Insurance companies are generally classified as either mutual or stock companies. Mutual companies are owned by the policyholders, while stockholders (who may or may not own policies) own stock insurance companies. Demutualization of mutual insurers to form stock companies, as well as the formation of a hybrid known as a mutual holding company, became common in some countries, such as the United States, in the late 20th century. Other possible forms for an insurance company include reciprocals, in which policyholders 'reciprocate' in sharing risks, and Lloyds organizations.

Insurance companies are rated by various agencies such as A.M. Beast. The ratings include the company's financial strength, which measures its ability to pay claims. It also rates financial instruments issued by the insurance company, such as bonds, notes, and securitization products.


Protect your car with auto insurance

Auto insurance protects you against financial loss if you have an accident. It is a contract between you and the insurance company. You agree to pay the premium and the insurance company agrees to pay your losses as defined in your policy. Auto insurance provides property, liability and medical coverage:

  1. Property coverage pays for damage to or theft of your car.
  2. Liability coverage pays for your legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage.
  3. Medical coverage pays for the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses.
An auto insurance policy is comprised of six different kinds of coverage. Most countries require you to buy some, but not all, of these coverages. If you're financing a car, your lender may also have requirements. Most auto policies are for six months to a year


Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

PTC (paid to click) hanya membuang waktu, tenaga dan tidak ada hasilnya

Apakah Anda mengikuti program penghasil yang menjanjikan dollar seperti ptc? Jika ya, segera tinggalkan program seperti itu. Tidak ada salahnya kita tahu apa itu ptc. PTC adalah sebuah cara mendapatkan uang dengan menglklik iklan yang ada di account kita. Iklan itu bisa datang melalui menu langsung atau membuka e-mail dulu lalu mengklik iklan dan menunggu sampai batas waktu yang ditentukan biasanya antara 10 detik hingga 5 menit tergantung besarnya $ yang akan didapat. Contoh program PTC antara lain, no-minimum, getpaidtomails, donkeymails, bux.to, clicksia, dll.

Kena kita mesti berhenti dengan program ptc jika mereka benar membayar? Memang ada program PTC yang benar membayar akan tetapi banyak sekali yang bohong atau scam. Kalaupun kita dibayar, ingat bayarannya sangat kecil dan syarat withdraw cukup besar. Kalaupun ada sistem referral paling kita hanya mendapat 10% dari penghasilan referral kita. Mencari referral itu seperti jualan saja jadi sangat sulit, kalau sudah dapat dan ia tidak melakukan seperti kita juga sia sia saja. Sebagai contoh PTC membayar kita 1 sen per klik dan syarat withdraw atau menerima bayaran adalah $10. Maka syarat untuk dapat minimal $10 adalah melakukan klik sebanyak 1 x 100 x 10 = 1.000 kali klik. Jika 1.000 klik itu langsung bisa kita lakukan 1 kali mungkin masih menguntungkan. Akan tetapi dalam 1 hari biasanya mereka menyajikan tidak lebih dari 10 iklan. Sehingga untuk mencapai $1 saja butuh 10 hari berarti agar dapat $10 maka dibutuhkan 100 hari. Setelah itu kita bisa withdraw dan menunggu sekitar 1 bulan lagi. Sehingga total waktunya adalah 4 bulan.

Dengan gambaran kasar di atas apakah Anda masih mau mengikuti PTC? Akan lebih baik jika waktu dan tenaga yang terbuang itu kita gunakan untuk belajar meningkatkan traffic situs atau blog lalu kita mengikuti program yang terbukti lebih menjanjikan seperti paid to review, program periklanan seperti Google Adsense, Adbrite, Text-Link-Ads dll. Komentar, pengalaman dan pertanyaan saya tunggu di form komentar.

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